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Proto-Indo-European language lives on!
Latin, Spanish, French, Italian, Persian, Sanskrit, Hindi, Albanian, Armenian, German, English, Old Norse, Lithuanian, Latvian, Old Prussian and all Slavic languages will not be strangers to you anymore! Just visit the WORDS section and be amazed!
The idea behind this section is to check what are the names for certain words in all Indo-European languages and to spot similarities between them (so called Indo-European cognates). Similar words are placed into one group. That way you can see what other language uses exactly the same word for a certain thing as your language does!

In the RELIGION section similarities between Indo-European cultures are observed.
Thanks to those similarities the essence of the Indo-European tradition can be brought up. Presenting gods, customs, sacred places, creatures and even historical prayers for those interested. Giving you a glimpse of who Indo-Europeans really were and who they really are.
NEWS section is simply about the latest news concerning all Indo-European matters.

The goal of the SCIENCE section is to show where Indo-European languages and peoples associated with them came from. It can be done thanks to the advancement of academic knowledge in the fields of genetics and archaeology.
Yamna, Corded Ware, Fatyanovo-Balanovo, Poltavka, Srubna, Sintashta, Andronovo, Bell Beaker, Unetice, Hallstatt, Lusatian, Sudovian, Nordic Bronze Age, Lchashen-Metsamor, Hittite, Abashevo, BMAC, Mitanni and Afanasievo cultures are all connected and nowadays it can finally be scientifically proven!